The Vishnu Strategy

The Vishnu Strategy

The world’s strongest militaries have been raining destruction down on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon. Why has this strategy not been working?

Reasons to Like Ike

Ike was right 50 years ago in the Suez conflict. Why has the United States forgotten his example?

The Democrats & Iran

The new Congress faces a stark choice: war with Iran or a regional peace deal involving Israel, Palestine, Iraq, and Syria.

Falling In Line on Israel

The election of a Democratic majority in Congress won’t curb U.S. support for Israeli attacks against the civilian populations of its Arab neighbors.

Stern Warning

The Stern Review has a rather unstern conclusion. For a mere 1% of global Gross Domestic Product by 2050 world leaders can arrest global warming.

Not Just Iraq

The Bush administration is getting a drubbing from domestic allies and adversaries alike for its policy in Iraq.

FOG Problems

George Bush is losing some of his best global buddies.

Clueless Empires

Wisdom can be very powerful, but the powerful are rarely very wise.

Bush at the UN: Annotated

At the UN, George W. Bush praised democracy and diplomacy in the Middle East. Stephen Zunes gives you the real story.

The Persistence of Illusion

The war in Lebanon was only the latest mirage to transfix the Middle East. To avoid catastrophe, the United States must dispense with the illusions that helped propel that war.

Bunch of Losers

All sides have claimed victory in the Lebanon conflict. They’re all wrong.