No Tea Parties for Bibi

It is doubtful that current tensions between the two countries will lead to a long-term divorce.

When Was the Last Time You Visited Iraq?

It’s true that I’ve never strolled down a street in Baghdad or Ramadi or Basra, armed or not, and that’s a deficit, if you want to write about the American experience in Iraq.

Haiti: Recovery Bill Estimated at 11.5 Billion Dollars

Two weeks before a major donors conference, the Haitian government has estimated that the country will need some 11.5 billion dollars over the next three years to recover from the devastating Jan. 12 earthquake.

Ethiopia: Licensed to Steal

Two former leaders of the Tigrean People’s Liberation Front have alleged in a BBC radio program that the TPLF leadership – which included Meles Zenawi – used millions of dollars earmarked for famine relief in the 1980s to buy weapons and enrich themselves.

Premature Withdrawal

We’ve now been at war with, or in, Iraq for almost 20 years, and intermittently at war in Afghanistan for 30 years.

The Homeless in Bahia: The Utopia of “Good Living”

Millions of Brazilians have serious housing problems. The Movimiento Sin Techo (Homeless Movement) seeks to organize them, and to occupy abandoned properties and land on the outskirts of the city to pressure the government.

Can Japan Say No to Washington?

Can Japan Say No to Washington?

In a dispute over one insignificant base on the Japanese island of Okinawa, are we feeling early rumblings on the Asian faultline of American global power?