Paving the Way to 60 Miles per Gallon

Paving the Way to 60 Miles per Gallon

The Obama administration’s new fuel efficiency standards will reduce our addiction to oil, curb carbon pollution, create jobs, and save consumers money at the pump.

Capital Is a Fickle Lover

Capital Is a Fickle Lover

Although China still attracts major foreign investment, fears that its model will not last have prompted capital flows to other rising countries like Brazil and Indonesia.

No Fracking Way

In addition to poisoning our water, homes, and bodies, fracking is eroding the quality of life in rural America.

Seven Innovative Mechanisms of Development Finance

As governments look for new options for public revenue stream, this table by IPS Global Economy project director Sarah Anderson shows which options can be considered, their potential revenue, and their administrative and political feasibility.

The No-Doctrine President

Bush had a doctrine, Nixon had a doctrine, even Jimmy Carter had a doctrine. Why doesn’t Obama?

An Unprecedented Attack from Polluters

The House has passed a devastating budget plan that would destroy bedrock safeguards that have protected our health and environment for decades.

Monumental Wilderness

President Barack Obama can protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from the clutches of the oil industry by designating it a National Monument.