#MeToo Goes Global

#MeToo Goes Global

The U.S. isn’t the only country where women are lining up to burn down the (frat) house.

Trump’s ‘Dissociation from Reality’ at UN

Trump’s ‘Dissociation from Reality’ at UN

When addressing the UN General Assembly, president Trump painted Saudi Arabia and the UAE as “good neighbors” trying to help end a destructive civil war in Yemen. And that wasn’t even the biggest lie in his speech.

The GOP Wants Trumpism, Just Without Trump

The GOP Wants Trumpism, Just Without Trump

Critics like that anonymous op-ed writer have no problem with how Trump’s actually hurting people. They just want the leader doing it to look more presidential.

Who Was the Real Maverick: McCain or Trump?

Who Was the Real Maverick: McCain or Trump?

John McCain was a politician, not a maverick — he played ball, and sometimes compromised. Trump is the true maverick: He’s batshit crazy and there’s no dealing with him.

What Trump Means by the ‘Deep State’

What Trump Means by the ‘Deep State’

Sure, federal agencies have acted illegally — when the president tells them to. Trump’s war on the “Deep State” is entirely about impunity for himself.