We are What We Eat

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Evaluating Copenhagen: What it Means for Ecology, Economy, and Equity

Given the continuing confusion within the climate policy community, the media, and even among governments themselves, there is an urgent need to set the record straight on the actual results of the Copenhagen summit, to reinforce the reasons why a UN climate process is so critical, and to point to some possible ways forward to a successful conclusion at Cancun in December 2010.

China: The Prince of Denmark

China: The Prince of Denmark

Like Hamlet, Shakespeare’s conflicted Prince of Denmark, China was caught between conflicting currents in Copenhagen. Its failure to manage these challenges, argues columnist Walden Bello, led to its biggest diplomatic debacle in years.

Planet Titanic

Planet Titanic

Thanks to climate change, our ship’s about to smash into the great iceberg of greed.

Confronting Climate Debt: What the Rich Owe the World

Naomi Klein, Ambassador Pablo Salon, and Michele Roberts will discuss climate debt and its implications for building a movement for climate justice. Panelists will also share their insights on outcomes from the Copenhagen climate conference and what that means for climate activism in the U.S. and abroad.

Will Cash Cool the Planet?

Will Cash Cool the Planet?

What’s the best way to retain forests and reverse climate change without scapegoating indigenous and rural communities?