Enough War Already

Enough War Already

Bring home the troops, military advisers, counter-terrorism experts, and the euphemisms.

Debt and Empire

Congress is cutting left and right. Will they also cut empire?

Afghanistan: Anatomy of a Hit

Afghanistan: Anatomy of a Hit

The assassination of Ahmed Wali Karzai is certain to destabilize Kandahar, making the need for talks with the Taliban evermore likely.

Reduce Corruption, Defeat the Taliban

Reduce Corruption, Defeat the Taliban

The United States wants to negotiate with the Taliban from a position of strength. But reining in Afghan government corruption, not applying ever more military pressure, is the key to gaining a strong hand.

Reorienting U.S. Security Strategy in South Asia

Reorienting U.S. Security Strategy in South Asia

The Obama administration’s approach to the Afghan war is too narrowly focused. Instead, the administration should focus on India-Pakistan rapprochement as the hallmark of a cohesive South Asia strategy.