Evidence of a Failed Mission

Evidence of a Failed Mission

WikiLeaks’ Afghan War Diary just fills in details of what we already knew: The Afghanistan War is too costly to continue.

The Opposite Game: All the Strangeness of Our American World in One Article

Have you ever thought about just how strange this country’s version of normal truly is? Let me make my point with a single, hardly noticed Washington Post news story that’s been on my mind for a while. It represents the sort of reporting that, in our world, zips by with next to no reaction, despite the true weirdness buried in it.

Wikileaks’ Afghan War Diary

Reactions to the documents have been mixed, but it’s clear that they provide an important, revealing account of the cover-ups, corruption, and needless deaths that mark this aimless war.

Wikileaks Releases ‘Afghan War Diary’

With this latest bright spotlight illuminating shortcomings of the past, Obama ought to direct the resulting buzz toward changing the war’s present futile trajectory.

The Great Myth: Counterinsurgency

As success in Afghanistan becomes more uncertain, Conn Hallinan argues that the problem is not Afghanistan, but the entire concept of counterinsurgency.

Endgame: Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Politics of U.S. Withdrawal

President Obama promises to begin transferring U.S. troops out of Afghanistan by the end of 2011. A new international conference in Kabul endorses Afghan President Karzai’s call for Afghanistan to be in charge of its own security by 2014. Meanwhile, facing its own Islamist insurgency and growing economic and political crises, Pakistan considers its options in Afghanistan.

Shades of Evil

Our foreign policy — and Foreign Policy magazine — could perhaps benefit from a little more honest introspection.