Environment and Security Policy

U.S. foreign policy and national security policies have significant domestic and international environmental impacts, and the increasingly precarious state of the global environment presents important new challenges to U.S. national interests.

International Terrorism

The massive terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, have placed the threat of terrorism on the front burner and have exposed the failure of the U.S. government to protect its citizens.


The foundation of Peruvian democracy was crumbling when political neophyte Alberto Fujimori, a former university professor of Japanese descent, was elected president in 1990.

Defense Conversion

What happened to the peace dividend that was widely expected to accrue from reduced defense spending after the end of the cold war?

South Africa

Since 1994 U.S. statements regarding a newly democratic South Africa, under the leadership of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress (ANC) have frequently been cast in the language of a love fest.

U.S. Drug Control Policy

U.S. drug policy is based on a punitive logic of deterrence that assumes that targeting the drug supply through aggressive law enforcement will deter drug use by making drugs scarcer, more expensive, and riskier to buy.