Asia’s Mad Arms Race

Asia’s Mad Arms Race

Asia is currently in the middle of an unprecedented arms race that is sharpening tensions in the region and competing with efforts to address poverty and growing inequality.



As it graduates from college, Generation Y has a chance to become the Global Generation.

Epistle to the Ecotopians

Callenbach’s writing reflects upon the direction that America has moved, since he wrote Ecotopia several decades ago, and offers a pessimistic outlook for the capacity of humanity to survive in a self-sustaining and harmonious manner, however, he offers final suggestions about how Americans can embrace our decline, and live with such evolution.

The Costa Rica Consensus

The Costa Rica Consensus

In a recent speech at the Newseum, former Costa Rican president and Nobel Peace Prize winner Oscar Arias describes concrete ways of moving beyond our over-militarized world.

Why Kony 2012 Fails

Why Kony 2012 Fails

The controversial video provides a Twitter-like view of Uganda, political history, and U.S. foreign policy.

Iran: Outgunned in the Gulf

Iran: Outgunned in the Gulf

Iran is so militarily disadvantaged compared to its opponents as to make its threat to close the entrance to the Persian Gulf almost farcical.

Letter from Okinawa

Letter from Okinawa

There is perhaps more common ground between Okinawans and Marines than either Washington or Tokyo imagines.

Un-Presidential Primaries

Un-Presidential Primaries

Despite the Santorum speed bump, it seems certain now that Mitt Romney will be the eventual nominee.