Suicide Truckers

Suicide Truckers

The “Freedom Convoy” in Canada wants to spread its anti-government, antisocial, and ultimately self-defeating messages far and wide.

The Terrifying World of 2025

The Terrifying World of 2025

Imagine that the current attacks on experts and expertise morph into a full-blown MAGA Cultural Revolution in 2025.

Biden at One

Biden at One

The Biden administration’s first year was a major course correction after Trump. But U.S. foreign policy needs transformation, not restoration.

My Disabled Life Is Worthy

My Disabled Life Is Worthy

The loss of disabled and chronically ill lives due to COVID-19 is no less tragic or preventable.

The End of Dissent

The End of Dissent

Foreign agent laws in Russia, El Salvador, and elsewhere threaten the entire international edifice of laws and institutions that support the right to dissent.

Taxing the World’s Richest Would Raise $2.52 Trillion a Year

A new analysis by the Fight Inequality Alliance, Institute for Policy Studies, Oxfam, and Patriotic Millionaires found a shocking rise in global wealth among the world’s richest people despite deepening inequality during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The End of Us

The End of Us

One year after the January 6 insurrection, is the United States on the verge of break-up?

The Party of January 6

The Party of January 6

The coup attempt turned into a road map for the national GOP. Whether democracy survives is up to us.