Bernie Sanders Rolls Out Plan To Curb CEO Pay

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released an “income inequality tax plan” on Monday that would increase taxes on big companies where CEO pay is more than 50 times higher than that of the median worker. Sanders, a fierce critic of income inequality who is seeking the...

Trump’s Gitmo Comment Was Misinformed At Best, A Dog Whistle At Worse

President Donald Trump said he wanted to send Sayfullo Saipov, the man arrested for a deadly terror attack in New York City, to Guantanamo. For years, Trump has wanted to send terrorists to the U.S. military detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. He’s tweeted...

How the Last Profit Repatriation Failed to Create Jobs

The Trump Administration and congressional Republicans are preparing to unveil a tax package that would cut corporate taxes on overseas profits, but a slew of academic and government studies show that the same tactic failed to create jobs after it was enacted in 2004....

Bernie Sanders Sets His Sights On The Foreign Policy Establishment

WASHINGTON ― Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) will use a major foreign policy address Thursday to set out his view of how politicians on the left should discuss the U.S role in the world and why voters at home should pay close attention to America’s actions abroad. Even as...

Labor Day is Over, Postpartum Depression Sets In

We made it through the Holiday that marks the end of the Summer of Trump (like the Summer of Love, but with a lot more Hate) and now we are stuck with the baby World we’ve made and it just spit up a hydrogen bomb.  Daddy Trump promised “fire and fury the likes of...

Betsy DeVos Meets With Trans Students After Dismantling Their Rights

The last time Karen Dolan met with Department of Education officials several years ago, the mood was upbeat and receptive. She and her transgender daughter urged department leaders to do more to support trans students, and she said the meeting helped spur the Obama...

Crimes of the War on Terror

“The cold was terrible but the screams were worse,” Sara Mendez told the BBC. “The screams of those who were being tortured were the first thing you heard and they made you shiver. That’s why there was a radio blasting day and night.” … Read the full article on...

Pensions: For CEOs Only

Grandma skips meals. Her house is always cold. She barely skimps by, subsisting on just Social Security because of a bunch of pension-killing CEOs and self-dealing financial “advisers.” The U.S. Labor Department offered some rules last week to help grandma with half...

This Simple Fact Says Everything About The Sad State Of Minimum Wage

Wall Street’s bonuses were so lavish last year that they doubled the combined annual pay of the nation’s full-time minimum wage workers, according to a new report. Securities firms set aside $25 billion for bonuses for their roughly 172,000 New York City...

These 100 People Have More Money Than All Black Americans Combined

The country’s richest people are incredibly, stunningly, jaw-droppingly wealthy — with more assets than millions and millions of Americans put together. That gulf was starkly illustrated in a report this week from the Institute for Policy Studies, a...

Trickle-Down Economics Must Die. Long Live Grow-Up Economics

For over thirty years we’ve treated something as fact which is actually false. Economists we trusted to know better didn’t, and so people have suffered and continue to suffer. This pernicious economic myth is the idea that a rising yacht lifts all tides,...

Rand Paul Is Right on Defense

The most refreshing aspect of this week’s Republican presidential debate was theclash between Rand Paul and Marco Rubio over the appropriate level of Pentagon spending. As my colleague Miriam Pemberton of the Institute for Policy Studies has noted in heranalysis...