The Robin Hood Tax

The Robin Hood Tax

Finance should once again support the real economy of goods and services.

Big Cable’s Plan to Lock Down Your Future

Big Cable’s Plan to Lock Down Your Future

While the likes of Comcast and Time Warner Cable have every right to profit from their investments and services, they shouldn’t abuse their dominant market share to remake our Internet in their image.

One Weak Domino

One Weak Domino

Other countries have problems, but Greece’s are an encyclopedia of bad behavior.

Afghanistan’s Corrupt Oligarchy

Afghanistan’s Corrupt Oligarchy

The brothers of Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan’s incompetent, impossibly vain, and dishonest president, have amassed astonishing fortunes.

Bilked by Banks

Bilked by Banks

Wall Street’s misdeeds haven’t loomed large this election year.

Carnage in the Streets of Iraq

Carnage in the Streets of Iraq

Attacks from Iraq’s Sunni militant groups are unlikely to provoke Shia reprisals. But what the violence can do is increase the chances that Iraqis will lose complete faith in their political leaders.