The Latin American Exception

In one region of the world – in this century at least – the sun never rose on US-choreographed torture.

Is It Time for an African Pope?

Is It Time for an African Pope?

As pope, an African could provoke a subtle but important change in global attitudes toward Africa and focus more attention on a rising continent rich with promise and challenges alike.

The Bulgarian Turn

Not even the intelligentsia in Bulgaria are immune to the siren song of the new nationalism to which more and more Europeans are susceptible.

Israel’s Pointless Attack on Syria

Israel’s Pointless Attack on Syria

Israel is clearly taking advantage of a severely weakened Syrian regime, correctly predicting that the Syrians are not in a position to retaliate.

The Depths of Malaise in Palestine

The Depths of Malaise in Palestine

Two recent polls find that Palestinians are drifting towards Hamas and are more willing to engage in violent resistance to free themselves of occupation.