Collateral Damage Means Real People

We now know that Rumsfeld urges using “the force necessary to prevail, plus some” and rejects “promising … not to permit collateral damage.”

Good Cop, Bad Cop at the UN

The latest UN security council resolution does give us some small hope for a more multilateral future.

Coming Home

Wars are waged with the bodies of the young, and they always come home.

Stumbling Blindly Into War

Might makes right is a recipe for war without end, not the peace that President Bush claims to be seeking.

The Troubles Are Back

The only parties celebrating this recent move are the madmen on both sides who would plunge Northern Ireland back into civil war.

War Plans and Pitfalls

After months of internal wrangling over tactics and strategy, it now appears that the White House has settled on the basic design for the U.S. invasion of Iraq.

The Case Against a War with Iraq

An invasion of Iraq constitutes such a dramatic shift in U.S. foreign policy and involves enormous political and military risks.

Afghanistan: Donor Inaction and Ineffectiveness

The fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in November 2001 presented the international community with an unprecedented opportunity to restore peace and security to a perennial trouble spot.

After Bali, The Need to Understand

From Yemen to Kuwait and Pakistan, is the entanglement of the U.S. in the Islamic world actually serving the group’s long-term strategy?

Roadmap To Nowhere

The new U.S. “road map” for peace in the Middle East presented by U.S. Assistant Secretary of State William J. Burns is no more than a placebo for consumption by both Palestinians and the world community