State of the Union

There were no surprises in President Bush’s address to Congress, except maybe the firm statement that within a month our country will be at war.

Pump Up the Pentagon, Hawks Tell Bush

While public opinion polls show that most of the U.S. public is concerned about the economy, hawks in the Bush administration see another problem as more urgent: the Pentagon is poor.

A Good Business

If one adds up all the costs of war beyond the $355.5 billion military budget, the U.S. spends in excess of $465 billion each year for defense, or $1.2 billion a day.

The Prospects for al Qaeda

Once again, we are faced with a situation in which all the emphasis in the war on terror is focused on pre-emption and capture–beating the terrorists into submission. Meanwhile, there is scarcely any focus on the reasons for the groundswell of support fo

Bush Working to Ensure Sharon’s Re-election

Israeli voters will be facing perhaps the most crucial vote in their nation’s history between the right-wing incumbent prime minister Ariel Sharon of the Likud Bloc and the more moderate Amram Mitzna—a former general and mayor of Haifa—from the Labor Alig

War is not inevitable

UFPJ Talking Points #3: Despite the very dangerous troop build-up in the region, we still have the capacity to stop the Iraq war.

CAFTA: Leaping Without Looking?

The potential benefits of trade can be an important engine for economic growth and poverty reduction. However, only when trade is built upon solid institutional foundations are these benefits typically realized.