The Cross of Iron

With less than a year before the next election, the recent scandal over a sweetheart deal to lease air tankers from the Boeing Corporation underlines the enormous and disturbing power the arms industry exerts on American politics.

Capturing Saddam Hussein: Will It Mean a New Day for Iraq?

The capture of Saddam Hussein is an historic event by any standard. But aside from providing some dramatic footage for global TV audiences, what has really changed, for the people of Iraq, the Middle East, the United States, or the world?

The Axis of Incoherence

The recent capture of Saddam Hussein serves as a distraction from the real issue: the lack of a viable exit strategy from Iraq.

Miami’s Trade Troubles

Negotiations for the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) failed before they ever began.

Noble Rhetoric Supports Democracy While Ignoble Policies Support Repression

President George W. Bush’s November 6 speech before the National Endowment for Democracy emphasizing the need for greater democracy and freedom in the Arab world, while containing a number of positive aspects, was nevertheless very misleading and all-too characteristic of the longstanding contradictory messages that have plagued U.S. policy in the Middle East.