Pay Your Share: Stop Corporate Tax Dodgers

Corporate tax dodging has gone so out of control that 25 major U.S. corporations paid their CEOs more than they paid the U.S. government in federal income taxes.

[VIDEO] FDR Has Advice for President Obama

In this segment from The Big Picture, Sam Pizzigatti tells Thom Hartmann what lesson President Obama can learn from past presidents to get this economy working again for everyone, and not just the richest one percent.

Coalition of the Billing

Award-winning journalist Jeremy Scahill discusses the growing use of mercenaries by the United States government.

Land ‘investment’ deals in Africa: Say ‘no way!’

Land investments – the purchase or lease of vast tracts of land from mostly poor, developing countries by wealthier food-insecure nations and private investors for the production and export of food and agrofuel crops – have become a very fast-paced international phenomenon.

Obama Preps Afghanistan Drawdown, but Debate Lingers on End Goals

PBS NewsHour: President Obama will announce plans for the initial U.S. troop withdrawal from Afghanistan Wednesday. Jeffrey Brown discusses what the president’s options are with retired Army Lt. Col. John Nagl of the Center for a New American Security, author Phyllis Bennis and Brian Katoolis of the Center for American Progess.