“Pentagon ‘Cuts’ Really Miss the Point”

While the administration and Congress begin to reduce unnecessary weapons programs, they must pay equal attention to investing in the non-military tools that are critical to our security.

“Of Oil And Elections”

The Bush administration cannot be permitted to declare a war for “Iraqi freedom” and respond with an economic invasion that turns Iraq into a U.S. corporate grab bag.

“Resist U.S. War Crimes”

Most Americans hold these truths to be self-evident: Torture is wrong; attacking another country that hasn’t attacked you is wrong; occupying another country with your army and imposing your will on its people is wrong.

“Waving Off Debt”

Despite an increase in promised aid to tsunami-affected countries last week, the United States’ aid offering still isn’t topping the list. Australia, for one, has donated much more. But the United States could make up for its somewhat meager offering by f