When the Betting Goes Bad

When the Betting Goes Bad

A review of “Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Crisis of American Capitalism,” by Kevin Phillips (Viking, 2008).

Of Coffee and Capitalism

The rise of Starbucks also seems to correspond with the expansion of the go-go economy.

The Ab-surge-ity of it All

President Bush continues to claim, and McCain and Palin repeat, “The Iraqis are better of because they’re free” and remain free thanks to the surge. But the new dictionary has interesting synonyms for the word “absurgeity.”

Starbucks v. Ethiopia

It was a classic confrontation between a poor underdog and a wealthy transnational corporation. But then the story took an unexpected twist.

Boris and Hugo

The saga of how London’s new mayor nixed his city’s bizarre “oil for brooms” arrangement with Venezuela.