Robert Alvarez is a Senior Scholar at IPS, where he is currently focused on nuclear disarmament, environmental, and energy policies.

Between 1993 and 1999, Mr. Alvarez served as a Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary and Deputy Assistant Secretary for National Security and the Environment. While at DOE, he coordinated the effort to enact nuclear worker compensation legislation. In 1994 and 1995, Bob led teams in North Korea to establish control of nuclear weapons materials. He coordinated nuclear material strategic planning for the department and established the department’s first asset management program. Bob was awarded two Secretarial Gold Medals, the highest awards given by the department.

Prior to joining the DOE, Mr. Alvarez served for five years as a Senior Investigator for the U. S. Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, chaired by Senator John Glenn, and as one of the Senate’s primary staff experts on the U.S. nuclear weapons program. While serving for Senator Glenn, Bob worked to help establish the environmental cleanup program in the Department of Energy, strengthened the Clean Air Act, uncovered several serious nuclear safety and health problems, improved medical radiation regulations, and created a transition program for communities and workers affected by the closure of nuclear weapons facilities. In 1975 Bob helped found and direct the Environmental Policy Institute (EPI), a respected national public interest organization. He helped enact several federal environmental laws, wrote several influential studies and organized successful political coalitions. He helped organize a successful lawsuit on behalf of the family of Karen Silkwood, a nuclear worker and active union member who was killed under mysterious circumstances in 1974.

Bob Alvarez is an award winning author and has published articles in prominent publications such as Science Magazine, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Technology Review and The Washington Post. He has been featured in television programs such as NOVA and 60 Minutes.


Democracy Now!: Nuclear Dangers in Fukushima and the U.S.

Japan admits 3 nuclear meltdowns as more radiation leaked into sea. Meanwhile, U.S. nuclear waste poses deadly risks.

Politics Has Always Outranked Science at Yucca Mountain

Politics drove this mistaken plan from its inception.

America’s Nuclear Spent-Fuel Time Bombs

Japan’s nuclear disaster should serve as a wake-up call for the United States.

Spent Nuclear Fuel Pools in the U.S.: Reducing the Deadly Risks of Storage

The price of fixing America’s nuclear vulnerabilities may be high, but the price of doing too little is incalculable.

Japan’s Nuclear Catastrophe Leaves Little to Celebrate on Children’s Day

A recent government decision callously put thousands of kids in harm’s way.

Robert Alvarez on Chernobyl, Fukushima and the U.S. Nuclear Complex

Footage from press conference at the National Press Club on April 26, 2011.

The FDA and the Fukushima Fallout

The FDA is disingenuous in its attempt to compare the radiation from a major nuclear accident to radiation exposures in everyday life.

US Spent Nuclear Fuel Largest Concentration Of Radioactivity On Planet

In this interview by Daphne Wysham on the Real News Network, Bob Alvarez talks about the 71,000 metric tons of spent nuclear fuel that are not properly protected in the U.S.

Conversations with Great Minds and the Weekly Rumble

In The Big Picture with Thom Hartmann, the host discusses the latest developments at the Fukushima Daiichi power plant with Robert Alvarez, Senior Scholar at the Institute for Policy Studies.

Unsafe at Any Reactor

U.S. nuclear plants are storing increasing amounts of highly radioactive spent fuel in pools that are vulnerable to accident or attack. New safety policies are needed.

Safeguarding Spent Fuel Pools in the United States

A drained spent fuel pool in the U.S. could lead to a catastrophic fire that would result in long-term land contamination substantially worse than what the Chernobyl accident unleashed.

The Drained Spent-Fuel Pool at Unit 4

It’s likely that the dose rates coming off that reactor are life-threatening.

In a Perfect World, Fukushima Would Halt Nuclear Renaissance in Its Tracks

Will the Department of Energy stop trying to spur a nuclear renaissance?

Fukushima Should Foment a U.S. Political Tsunami

Will the Department of Energy stop trying to bring on a nuclear renaissance?

Behind the Explosion at Fukushima Unit No. 3

The photos from Fukushima illustrate a dire situation.

Expert Available: Robert Alvarez on Japan’s Nuclear Emergency

Robert Alvarez is available for interviews about Japan’s nuclear emergency.

Meltdowns Grow More Likely at the Fukushima Reactors

A hydrogen explosion yesterday at Unit 1 severely damaged the reactor building, blowing apart its roof.

Japan Faces Possible Three-Mile Island

A meltdown would affect the future of nuclear energy in the United States, as well as Japan.

On the Brink of Meltdown: The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

The devastating Japanese quake and its outcome could generate a political tsunami here in the United States.

The Government’s Nuclear Millstone

There’s no transforming our energy future without completely overhauling the Energy Department.