John Feffer is director of Foreign Policy In Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies.

He is the author, most recently, of Aftershock: A Journey into Eastern Europe’s Broken Dreams (Zed Books). He is also the author of the dystopian novel Splinterlands (Dispatch Books) and its soon-to-be-released sequel Frostlands. He is the author of several other books, and his articles have appeared in The New York Times, Washington Post, USAToday, Los Angeles Review of Books, Salon, and many other publications.

He has been an Open Society fellow, a PanTech fellow in Korean Studies at Stanford University, a Herbert W. Scoville fellow, a writing fellow at Provisions Library in Washington, DC, and a writer in residence at Blue Mountain Center and the Wurlitzer Foundation.

He is a former associate editor of World Policy Journal. He has worked as an international affairs representative in Eastern Europe and East Asia for the American Friends Service Committee. He has studied in England and Russia, lived in Poland and Japan, and traveled widely throughout Europe and Asia.

John has been widely interviewed in print, on radio, and TV.

Learn more about him on his website.


NATO vs. Rogues?

Come November, someone’s going to have to tell the next president the hard news: the emperor has no alliance.

Debating Syria

Is diplomacy dead in Syria, or have we only just begun to negotiate?

Death and Taxes

The United States accounts for approximately 43 percent of all global military expenditures.

Scraping the Bottom

We are all trust fund babies living off the wealth of our ancestors.

North Korea’s Failed Fireworks

Why the big fuss over North Korea’s satellite launch?

The Crusades Are Back

An interview about Islamophobia and how it affects politics today.

Arms Down

As we get ready to give our taxes to the Pentagon, here’s a three-part strategy for reducing global military spending.

Review: Noam Chomsky’s “Occupy”

Veteran writer and activist Noam Chomsky is not one to watch the Occupy movement from the sidelines.

The Foreign Policy President?

Has Obama had any significant progressive foreign policy successes?

Crusade 2.0: The West’s Resurgent War on Islam

Crusade 2.0 examines the resurgence of anti-Islamic sentiment in the West and its global implications.

Creating the Muslim Manchurian Candidate

Obama opponents have carefully shifted the debate from Obama being Muslim to Obama acting Muslim.

Three Killings

Recent murders in France, Florida, and California are all linked to a new enclosure movement.

Asia Is Up in Arms

Asia is spending more on the military and selling more weapons to the world.

When Kony Met Daisey

Should we let the truth get in the way of a good story?

Bribing Israel

Why is the Obama administration promising even more advanced military hardware to Israel?

Beyond the Golden Couples of Pyongyang

It’s not likely that an Occupy Pyongyang movement will set up tents in Kim Il Sung Square anytime soon. But the same widening inequalities that plague the United States and the global economy can also be found inside North Korea.

The Blowback of TINA

Liberal democracy contains within it the very seeds of the American empire’s destruction.

North Korea’s Pivot

North Korea is executing a pivot of its own.

America’s Image Problem

We think we’re helping them. They think we’re out to destroy their way of life.

Running Against Islam

Politicians indulge in anti-Islamic sentiment with near impunity.

Project Director and Associate Fellow

Epicenter, Foreign Policy in Focus

    Asia/Pacific, Military/Peace, NATO, North Korea, Northeast Asia, South Korea

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