Más de 220 organizaciones piden a Gustavo Petro y Francia Márquez revisar los tratados de inversión internacional que permiten millonarias demandas contra el Estado colombiano

Más de 220 organizaciones piden a Gustavo Petro y Francia Márquez revisar los tratados de inversión internacional que permiten millonarias demandas contra el Estado colombiano

“Es urgente la necesidad de impedir que la búsqueda de justicia ante abusos de multinacionales, daños y pasivos socioambientales, laborales, financiación del paramilitarismo, amenazas o asesinato de líderes sindicales se vea saboteada por este sistema.”

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77 Global and National Human Rights and Environmental Groups in Six Countries Expose OceanaGold as an Irresponsible Mining Company and Oppose its Expansion

77 Global and National Human Rights and Environmental Groups in Six Countries Expose OceanaGold as an Irresponsible Mining Company and Oppose its Expansion

The groups stand together against the abusive practices of one of the world’s major global mining corporations, OceanaGold, and issue an urgent appeal to the governments of the Philippines, Aotearoa New Zealand, El Salvador, the United States, Canada, and Australia calling for them to halt, shut down, or support or uphold bans impacting OceanaGold mines in their respective countries.

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