Dear partners: Thank you for helping us spread the word about the Institute for Policy Studies and Next Systems Project newest report, “Reversing Inequality”. 

You can find the executive summary and full report here.


What will it take to reverse inequality? Find out in our new report with @TheNextSystem

The main drivers of inequality are the imbalances of power & agency embedded in our political/economic system

Future approaches to reducing inequality must tackle the racial bias at the core of the rigged rules of the economy

To reverse inequality, we will have to address the concentration of wealth and power at the top


What will it take to reverse inequality? The Next Systems Project and the Institute for Policy Studies launched a new report outlining a full menu of “interventions” to reduce income and wealth inequality and address some of the systemic drivers of inequality.

While technological change and globalization have supercharged inequalities, they are not the primary drivers.  A new report by the Institute for Policy Studies and The Next Systems Project found reducing inequality requires a “next system” analysis and playbook that advances systemic solutions for a systemic problem.

New from IPS and the Next Systems Project: We have entered a new phase of inequality where extremes are driven less by wage differentials and more by return on capital—in other words, wealth creating wealth. To reverse this, we will have to address the concentration of wealth and power at the top end.

Rigged rules in the economy have historically been, and continue to be, racially biased. We need solutions that are grounded in an understanding of historic and present-day systems of racial advantage and disadvantage. Read more from our new report:

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