He’s back. This week in OtherWords, columnist Donald Kaul makes a surprise return to weigh in on the chilling Newtown shootings. Since he’s still on the mend and says that life’s just so much better without deadlines, my best advice to his many devoted fans is to watch this space.

And we’ve got two other developments to report. First, we’ve revamped our website, making it more user-friendly and easier to access on mobile devices. Please take a moment to check it out and let me know if you have any concerns or other feedback.

Second, we’re launching a new weekly column by Jill Richardson. She’ll write about all aspects of the food system, from farm to fork. Today, she’s taking a good hard look at ham, which millions of Americans consider a holiday staple.

And since we’re in the middle of the holiday season, please do consider making a year-end tax-deductible contribution to OtherWords. Our service is free for newspapers, new media outlets, and engaged citizens. But professional editing, proofreading, and concerted efforts to get these bold opinions into news outlets require at least a modest budget. Any amount you can give will be used wisely and effectively to help us expand our nationwide reach. You can make a donation on our new and improved website or mail a check payable to OtherWords to this address: Institute for Policy Studies; 1112 16th Street, NW, Suite 600; Washington, DC 20036.

For contributions of $100 or more, we’ll send you or someone you designate a copy of columnist Sam Pizzigati‘s latest book: The Rich Don’t Always Win. For contributions of $150, we’ll also include our cartoonist Khalil Bendib‘s latest collection: Too Big to Fail. Both make great gifts.

Scroll down to see this week’s lineup and please subscribe to our weekly newsletter if you haven’t signed up yet.

  1. Our Great Fiscal Opportunity / John Cavanagh
    This is a chance for the American public to engage in a critical debate over national priorities
  2. Funding our Future / Sarah Browning
    Slashing federal arts spending would curb our collective imagination.
  3. Turning our Tears into Action / Marc Morial
    We can’t go back to business as usual with gun violence in America
  4. A Grim New Year for Women / Martha Burk
    Many of the choices that appear likely in the pending budget deal would throw women under the bus.
  5. The New Agenda on Guns We Need after Newtown / Donald Kaul
    This time, the debate has to be about more than not offending the NRA’s sensibilities.
  6. A More Humane Holiday Ham / Jill Richardson
    Some of the ingredients on your Christmas dinner table aren’t so sweet.
  7. The Emperor of Avarice / Sam Pizzigati
    Gambling magnate Sheldon Adelson more than held his own against the stiff competition to be crowned the greediest American of 2012.
  8. Michigan Bucks Democracy / Jim Hightower
    With no warning, no hearings, no public input, no floor debate, and no time for citizens even to know what was happening, Michigan’s Republicans rammed a union-busting bill into law.
  9. Nixing Nuclear Energy / William A. Collins
    Japan backtracked on an ambitious plan to shut all of its nuclear reactors but Germany is blasting forward with an effort to do just that by 2022.
  10. Good Company / Khalil Bendib cartoon
Good Company, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

Good Company, an OtherWords cartoon by Khalil Bendib

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