In this week’s OtherWords editorial package, Janet Redman addresses the relationship between increasingly harsh weather events and climate change and Peter Weiss explains why “June 30, 2011 will go down as a dark day in the annals of the struggle against torture.” Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

  1. Connecting Extreme Weather Dots across the Map / Janet Redman
  2. Marching to Save Our Schools / Mary Tedrow
  3. Casino Crops / George Naylor
  4. Justice Department Gives Torturers a Pass / Peter Weiss
  5. Sleazy Corporate Holiday / Donald Kaul
  6. Massey Energy’s Man-Made Hell Hole / Jim Hightower
  7. Haiti, the Caribbean Sweatshop / William A. Collins
  8. Weather Extremists / Khalil Bendib

Weather Extremists

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