In this week’s OtherWords editorial package, William A. Collins reviews the gun lobby’s gains and Jim Hightower urges readers to replace their mega-bank accounts by moving their money to smaller, locally based financial institutions. Get all this and more in your inbox by subscribing to our weekly newsletter. If you haven’t signed up yet, please do.

Happy holidays!

  1. No Tax Holiday for the Working Poor / Karen Dolan
  2. It’s Time to Protect Consumers from Toxic Chemicals / Lindsay Dahl
  3. Protect Public Media / Josh Stearns
  4. WikiLeaks Proves Need for Stronger Whistleblower Protections / Louis Clark
  5. GOP: Man of the Year / Donald Kaul
  6. Move Your Money / Jim Hightower
  7. Guns are a Guy’s Best Friend / William A. Collins
  8. Heave Ho / Khalil Bendib

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