A Main Street Fix to Wall Street’s Failure

A Main Street Fix to Wall Street’s Failure

Building a policy agenda to deepen the jobs debate, our new report looks at the structural issues behind the economic crisis and how we can transition to a new economy based on Main Street.

A Main Street Jobs Agenda

A Main Street Jobs Agenda

Putting more money in the hands of those who already have jobs so they can buy more Chinese imports does very little to put Americans to work in good jobs that pay good wages.

America Is Not Broke

America Is Not Broke

How to pay for the crisis while making the country more equitable, green, and secure.

Not All Taxes Have to Hurt

Not All Taxes Have to Hurt

Millionaires, who rightfully are the target for paying more, want us to think that any changes in the tax code will mean that we’ll all be paying more too.

The 99 Percent Have Found Our Voice

The 99 Percent Have Found Our Voice

These are days of action in more than 400 occupied places across the nation. As we change the national conversation, we can dismantle the barriers to change.

Paulson’s Plaintive Plea

Paulson’s Plaintive Plea

Just because he lives in a 28,000-square-foot, $15-million mansion, why should this billionaire be targeted as an example of plutocratic excess?

The Costs of Wall Street Greed

The Costs of Wall Street Greed

Despite growing support in Europe and elsewhere, the Obama administration has remained opposed to a Wall Street tax.

Taxing the  Wall Street Casino Fact Sheet

Taxing the Wall Street Casino Fact Sheet

Governments around the world are struggling to deal with the crushing problems of joblessness, poverty, and climate change. A financial speculation tax is the best option on the table to raise the massive revenues needed to address these urgent needs.