U.S. Role in Georgia Crisis

The United States did not simply watch from the sidelines during the war between Russia and Georgia.

Die Hard

The war that broke out last week between Russia and Georgia is a terrifying reminder that the disintegration of the Soviet Union is far from over.

Going for the Gold

Forty years after the historic 1968 Olympics, the eyes of the world are focused on Beijing.

Will He or Won’t He?

Will George W. Bush, prodded by his pitchfork-wielding vice president, bomb Iran before the end of his term?

Running Against the West

In the upcoming Russian elections, the only real opponent that Putin’s party is facing has no face, no name, and no spot on the ballot.

The Elephants of Missile Defense

The Elephants of Missile Defense

Moscow and Washington are on a crash course over missile defense. Even Putin’s surprise offer at the G8, columnist Frida Berrigan points out, will not likely avert collision.

Is Russia Really That Authoritarian?

The West often perceives Putin’s Russia as a one-man dictatorship, but analysts in Moscow point instead to a startling crisis of corporate management.