A Simple Idea: Free Education For All

A Simple Idea: Free Education For All

With two new legislative initiatives, Senator Sanders is proposing to tax Wall Street speculators to guarantee all Americans a good shot at a college degree.

We Owe You Nothing!

We Owe You Nothing!

A new landmark student debt strike is drawing attention to the desperate need for action on a student debt crisis that’s enriching a few at the expense of an entire generation.

The Student Debt Time Bomb

Paying It Forward

A tax on inherited wealth could eliminate student debt while reducing growing inequality.

The One Percent at State U

The One Percent at State U

New report finds that student debt and low-wage faculty labor are rising faster at state universities with the highest-paid presidents.

UPDATED: The One Percent at State U

After minor revisions due to updated data from the American Federation of Teachers, the report still concludes that student debt and low-wage faculty labor are rising faster at the state universities with the 25 highest-paid presidents.