Running Against the West

In the upcoming Russian elections, the only real opponent that Putin’s party is facing has no face, no name, and no spot on the ballot.

Kosovo in the Balance

Like a bad cold that won’t go away, the Kosovo question continues to plague international diplomacy long after it was expected that it would be resolved.

Make Your Own Foreign Policy

With the policymakers who have steered our country in the wrong direction absent from Washington, now is the time for YOU to start making US foreign policy.

Memo to the President, 2020

Although we are currently considered revisionist historians, I believe that my End of Empire books definitively establish that the financial crisis that the United States experienced in 2007 was the key element in destroying our position in the world.

The Elephants of Missile Defense

The Elephants of Missile Defense

Moscow and Washington are on a crash course over missile defense. Even Putin’s surprise offer at the G8, columnist Frida Berrigan points out, will not likely avert collision.

Kosovos Tricky Waltz

Kosovo is on its way to becoming the latest piece of former Yugoslavia to achieve nationhood. But a bumpy road lies ahead.

Is Russia Really That Authoritarian?

The West often perceives Putin’s Russia as a one-man dictatorship, but analysts in Moscow point instead to a startling crisis of corporate management.

The Post-Abundance Era

The Post-Abundance Era

We’re so beyond the Cold War and September 11th that we’ve entered a new era altogether. FPIF columnist Michael T. Klare warns us all to get ready and tighten our belts.


Although violence is often blamed on the drug trade, the roots of violence run much deeper. A multiplicity of actors create a veritable kaleidoscope of violence.