When Corporations Sue Governments

When Corporations Sue Governments

As the T.T.I.P. and T.P.P. negotiations continue, Pacific Rim vs. El Salvador should remind us not to privilege foreign investors to the detriment of the national — or global — good.

Congressional Briefing: From NAFTA to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Congressional Briefing: From NAFTA to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

You’re invited to a congressional briefing with IPS’ Global Economy project and others on the 20th anniversary of NAFTA to reflect upon the agreement’s harmful effects on North American communities and the environment, and how negotiations for more free trade agreements threaten people everywhere.

NAFTA Pushes Many Mexicans to Migrate

NAFTA Pushes Many Mexicans to Migrate

Mexicans have little to celebrate as NAFTA turns 20 years old in 2014 – the destruction caused by the agreement continues to push many Mexicans to migrate to try to make a living.

The Paradoxes of the Pacific Pivot

The Paradoxes of the Pacific Pivot

The U.S. needs to come up with a new and different Pacific pivot that places peace and prosperity on the Korean peninsula at the top of the list of priorities.

NAFTA at 20: The New Spin

NAFTA at 20: The New Spin

Nearly 20 years since NAFTA went into effect, its empty promises have been laid bare for the people of Mexico.

Don’t Expand NAFTA

Don’t Expand NAFTA

The United States is leading the way to another corporate-friendly free-trade agreement, and it’s bringing its NAFTA partners along for the ride.