Conference: Malcolm X and Human Rights

Conference: Malcolm X and Human Rights

The Institute for Policy Studies’ Netfa Freeman moderates a session of the “Malcolm X Black Power Conference” that highlights the international struggle for reparations on the 50th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X.

A Day to Remember A Martyr

A Day to Remember A Martyr

Malcolm X was assassinated 48 years ago, but his killers failed to keep him from living on in the hearts and minds of those he left behind.

Book Event: A Lie of Reinvention; Correcting Marable’s Malcolm X

Book Event: A Lie of Reinvention; Correcting Marable’s Malcolm X

Join us for a lively dialogue on the new book disputing Marable’s characterization of Malcolm, that included essays by Mumia Abu-Jamal, veteran journalist A. Peter Bailey, who worked with Malcolm X’s Organization for Afro-American Unity, and Bill Strickland, who also knew Malcolm X.