Pivotal Election in Okinawa

Pivotal Election in Okinawa

Okinawans are going to the polls to register their opposition to a military base plan supported by both Tokyo and Washington.

60 Second Expert: Japan v. China

A minor collision between a Chinese fishing boat and Japanese Coast Guard vessel last August continues to resonate in the region.

Clash of the East Asian Titans

Clash of the East Asian Titans

China and Japan are at loggerheads. As columnist Conn Hallinan explains, rising nationalism and persistent U.S. militarism lie behind the crisis.

Okinawa and the Changing U.S.-Japan Alliance

Okinawa and the Changing U.S.-Japan Alliance

The conflict over an aging U.S. military base in Okinawa has not gone away. Rather, it illustrates the very different ideas that Washington and Tokyo have about their alliance.

Japan’s Three Elections

Japan’s Three Elections

The U.S. military base in Okinawa is at the forefront of three Japanese elections this year.

Revolution in Japan

Japan is on the verge of a political revolution, and the ripples might transform Asia as well.