Carnage in the Streets of Iraq

Carnage in the Streets of Iraq

Attacks from Iraq’s Sunni militant groups are unlikely to provoke Shia reprisals. But what the violence can do is increase the chances that Iraqis will lose complete faith in their political leaders.

Review: Eclipse of the Sunnis

Review: Eclipse of the Sunnis

Iraq’s future depends on a reconciliation between the Maliki government and the Sunni refugees who have fled to neighboring countries.

Review: We Meant Well

Review: We Meant Well

A long-time foreign service officer describes the farces and frustrations of the Iraq occupation.

Iraq: 9 Years of War and Activism. Is It Over?

On the 9th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, join us for an evening of reflection and looking forward. hear stories from big and small actors in the anti-Iraq occupation movement about how the past nine years impacted them and their lives, and the lasting lessons for us as a movement.

Darned Ingrate Iraqis!

“Don’t let the door hit you on the way out” sounds even worse in Arabic than in English.