Bush Administration Divided Over the Road to Tehran

After the occupation of Iraq, the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush appears to be torn between moving from Baghdad on to Tehran, or refocusing on al Qaeda as the main target in the “war on terrorism.”

Distortions of History

It is becoming increasingly apparent that the intelligence cited by President Bush regarding Iraqi military capabilities in the months leading up to the U.S. invasion of Iraq was neither good, nor solid, nor sound.

War Effort Impedes Security at Home

Our cities, which are the frontline defenders against terrorist attacks at home, have been left holding the bag with little support from our federal government, leaving the citizens of our nation more vulnerable than ever.

Real War–Virtual Weapons?

Contemporary leaders, like those of yore, ought to heed warnings to discount heady advice brought by people with their own agendas.

AIDS Appointee Shows that Business Still Rules the Roost

he appointment of a former top executive of a major U.S. pharmaceutical company and major Republican contributor as President George W. Bush’s global AIDS co-ordinator has stunned and outraged AIDS experts and activists.

Iraq: Descending into the Quagmire

The Bush administration seems headed toward committing the same mistakes of its Vietnam-era predecessors–plus a number of its own.

The Day after the Statues Fall

UFPJ Talking Points #8: Mosts Iraqis are relieved at the fall of Saddam but the current chaos and lack of authority are worse.

The Forgotten War Shows No Sign of Abating

Though force may be the only language that Afghanistan’s spoiler groups understand, they can only survive as long as they have a fountain of discontent to draw support from. Remove this support base, and these groups will succumb to pressure and fade away