Round-The-Clock Voting

Voting can no longer be a civic duty exercised every few years. We must now vote 365 days a year, telling our leaders that they won’t wait another election cycle to sink the country further into the Iraq War’s quagmire.

Our State Among States

The Iraq War has become the face of the United States around the world and this will haunt Bush during his State of the Union address.

Madness and War

Madness and War

FPIF columnist Conn Hallinan describes how Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam form a historical axis of political madness and military blunders.

Think We’re Leaving Iraq? Not So Fast

President Bush is readying the largest request for funds so far to continue the war. Even worse, he’s on the cusp of actually increasing troops.

Youth Walk Out to Get Out of Iraq

Youth Walk Out to Get Out of Iraq

Why are students and youth across this country walking out of their schools and jobs on Election Day? Department editor Saif Rahman argues that the answer is not that complicated: young people are getting it in the neck.

Support Peace or Ill Kill You!

Support Peace or Ill Kill You!

Dada wasn’t just strange art from the distant past. As Valery Oisteanu writes, Dada was an international anti-war art movement, and its legacy lives on today.

Why the U.S. Occupation of Iraq Must End Now

UPFJ Talking Points #36: Permanent deployment is already creating a wide range of problems, including military over-stretch, casualties, regional antagonism, and growing global isolation.