Honduran Coup: The U.S. Connection

There is growing evidence that the United States was more than a bit player in the Honduran coup, writes columnist Conn Hallinan.

Electoral Hypocrisy in Latin America

When it comes to changing term limits on Latin American presidents, U.S. lawmakers and pundits are applying a double standard–at least in Honduras and Colombia.

Hypocrisy and the Honduran Coup

The United States needs to stop supporting coups — of all political stripes — and start supporting actual democracy.

School of Coups

The Honduran coup highlights why the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, which replaced the School of the Americas, must be scrapped.

Behind the Honduran Coup

It’s a mistake to understand Honduras (or Latin America more generally) as driven by Cold War style conflicts between a pro-U.S. bloc and a pro-Chávez bloc.