Panel Discussion: Understanding U.S. Torture and Executive Accountability

Torture is a profound abuse of the rule of law. A lack of full accountability for those responsible for U.S. torture policies has far-reaching and unexpected implications. A just rule of law cannot be established without full accountability for torture of U.S. detainees. If we allow those who committed and authorized torture, whether interrogators or senior executive officials, to go uninvestigated and unpunished we risk destabilizing the international legal regime and delegitimize our domestic criminal justice system. True accountability for torture is not only a moral imperative, but because of international obligations such as the Convention Against Torture, a legal obligation.

Lessons from Protesting Guantnamo

Lessons from Protesting Guantnamo

Activist Bryan Farrell expected be put in jail for standing up for the rights of prisoners at Guantanamo. What he didn’t expect was 30 hours of imprisonment, the realization that this was nothing compared to those in Guantanamo, and the sense of solidarity with the 82 other activists who decided to stand up for human rights.

Foreign Policy Goes Local

The heart of the municipal foreign policy movement remains the opposition to the Iraq War.