Seven Innovative Mechanisms of Development Finance

As governments look for new options for public revenue stream, this table by IPS Global Economy project director Sarah Anderson shows which options can be considered, their potential revenue, and their administrative and political feasibility.

The No-Doctrine President

Bush had a doctrine, Nixon had a doctrine, even Jimmy Carter had a doctrine. Why doesn’t Obama?

Meeting Needs of Developing Countries: The Role of Innovative Financing

Around the world, entities ranging from governments to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to the private sector have been giving more serious consideration than ever before to alternative financing mechanisms for development, climate change, education and other needs. IPS Global Economy project Director Sarah Anderson will speak on financial transactions taxes at this forum on innovative financing.

Robin Hood 2.0

Robin Hood 2.0

Men in tights are taking on the global financial industry.

Investing in Our Future Act of 2011

Climate change and the lack of health care services in developing countries are urgent and under-funded crises threatening the livelihoods and security of billions of people.