The Dancing Cure

David Alan Harris tells the riveting story of how young men in Sierra Leone, who show no outward emotion about their past atrocities, slowly come to terms with their experiences — through dance.

The Theology of American Empire

Ira Chernus writes that Americans crave a foreign policy based on moral conviction. Neoconservatives have offered one version. The left must provide a different one.

Art as Jujitsu

War grabs the headlines, and anti-war art grabs our attention. They do so with some of the same tools: guns, bombs, and body counts.

The Taiwan of Europe

According to the compromise proposal of UN special envoy Martti Ahtisaari, the international community was to grant “supervised independence” to Kosovo, the largely Albanian enclave in southern Serbia.

Left-Right Alliance Against War?

The War Party dominates Washington. But antiwar movements on the left and the right have a historic opportunity to change the political map.

The Vishnu Strategy

The Vishnu Strategy

The world’s strongest militaries have been raining destruction down on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Lebanon. Why has this strategy not been working?

Beware Empires in Decline

Beware Empires in Decline

Common sense says that Washington won’t attack Tehran. But columnist Michael Klare questions whether common sense is guiding Bush administration policy.