America the Exceptional

Surely the greatest country on earth would have the leading educational system in the world, but we don’t.

Good-for-Nothing Commission

No sane politician would vote for any of the changes the commission headed by Bowles and Simpson is recommending, unless he or she is planning to retire early.

A Radical Agenda in Troubled Times

In a Congress controlled by the emerging far-right wing of the Republican Party, the winners would be the people who are already winning.

Class Struggle

Improving America’s schools requires tackling poverty, a major underlying cause of weak education.

A Plan Colombia for Mexico

A Plan Colombia for Mexico

The only thing surprising about Clinton’s horrifying proposal to apply a Colombian model to Mexico is that she said it out loud, reports columnist Laura Carlsen.

Know-Nothing Party

Attacks by arch-conservative politicians on the Department of Education are flying under the media radar.

Remembering John Wooden

He was a deeply religious, non-swearing coach who saw to it that his players graduated.