Book Tour: Born on Third Base

Book Tour: Born on Third Base

Meet and talk with with IPS’s Chuck Collins touring and signing his new book that offers a new narrative on how the wealthy can mobilize against inequality.

Book Launch: Born on Third Base

Book Launch: Born on Third Base

A Politics and Prose DC book launch with IPS’s Chuck Collins, whose new book offers a new narrative on how the wealthy can mobilize against inequality.

Shaken But Not Dead

Shaken But Not Dead

Join IPS and ILRF for a roundtable discussion about the Washington Consensus and the Development Debate in 2016 with the author of “Beyond Apologies” to reflect on re-defining the economics of wellbeing.

Economic Insecurity Continues and Communities Respond

Are you facing hard times or concerned about local and global “norms” of economic insecurity? Trends confirm the difficulties that lay ahead, yet deep, meaningful and hopeful communities of mutual aid and resilience are emerging.  Join us to learn more about these new groups in Portland.

Talking Points: Economic Meltdown

The following document is a series of talking points, in an easy-to-read question-and-answer format, on the key questions being discussed today about the global economic meltdown.