Bush and the Trade Agenda

Bush’s stated top priority on trade is to guide new language through the U.S. Congress to grant the administration authority to negotiate new trade agreements with other nations under the so-called “fast track” rules under which Congress simply votes “yes

Beating About the Bush

For those who see George W. Bush as a dummy, the question is, who are his ventriloquists?

Republican Rule and the IFIs

The U.S. has a long history, spanning both Republican and Democratic administrations, of advocating openness and accountability at the IFIs.

Bush’s Nuclear Doctrine: From MAD to NUTS?

Foreign policy issues were mostly an afterthought during the 2000 presidential campaign, and they continue to take a back seat in President-elect George W. Bush’s discussions of the priorities of his incoming administration.

We Do Guns–Not Plagues

We should not accept, as fate, the feeling that, if our leaders do not lead, nothing can be done.

The Election: Seen From Overseas

Smirked the Statesman of Calcutta, “Foreigners are watching with bemusement the spectacle of Americans tying themselves up in knots over election results.


As President Clinton goes to Vietnam this week, he carries with him a heavy weight of legacy from America’s longest war.

Credit the Serbian People, Not NATO

As in 1989, it was not the military prowess of the western alliance bringing freedom to an Eastern European country, but the power of nonviolent action by the subjugated peoples themselves.