On Boycotting the Beijing Olympics

The international community should boycott the opening ceremonies of the Olympics to send a signal to China about its support of the Sudanese government, argues Eric Reeves.

Counterproductive Olympic Protests

Those protesting Beijing’s hosting of the summer Olympics are simply stoking patriotic feelings within China, argues James Nolt.

Iraq in Pictures

Many of the most resonant images from the Iraq War are as deceptive as the Bush administration’s rationales for starting the war in the first place.

Candidates on Darfur

As the Democratic presidential primary campaign limps on, and the cacophony of focus-grouped sound bites strikes a fevered pitch, the candidates are making surprisingly little noise about Darfur.

The Future of Peacekeeping

UN peacekeeping operations are increasing in size and complexity. Why aren’t they getting the financial and political support they need?

Changing The Subject

Changing The Subject

A response to Kevin Funk and Steve Fake: Divestment will help to end the Genocide in Darfur.

Hope in Darfur

The latest UN resolution may well be a turning point in stopping genocide. But much hinges on political will.

Saving Darfur or Salvation Delusion?

Saving Darfur or Salvation Delusion?

It’s amid the U.S. government’s contradictory posturing and less-than-humanitarian geopolitical motives that the activist movement addressing Darfur operates.

Our State Among States

The Iraq War has become the face of the United States around the world and this will haunt Bush during his State of the Union address.