Afro-Colombian Women, Activism and Leadership

Danelly Estupiñan, an Afro-descendant woman activist and community organizer from Colombia, will be sharing her experiences as community organizer and psycho-social support for women victims of violence in rural and urban areas of Buenaventura, the second most important port in Colombia and one of the most dangerous places for human rights defenders, particularly women.

Raw Trade Deals

Raw Trade Deals

With cheap imports woven tightly into U.S. manufacturing and retail, corporations have a lot at stake.

Drug War Madness

Drug War Madness

Forty years after the war on drugs began the fallout from bad policy has had dire consequences both home and abroad.

Third Prize: You’re Fired

President Obama is trying to sell free trade agreements as win-win deals. The problem is that most people will only win dubious prizes.

A Peaceful End to the War on Drugs?

The international war on drugs isn’t stopping drug use or trafficking — but it is ruining lives. Drug policy expert Sanho Tree on what we can do differently.

A Volatile Agenda on Agriculture

A Volatile Agenda on Agriculture

The U.S.-Colombia free trade pact would reinforce a system that leaves farmers and consumers at the mercy of volatile prices and markets.