When Will the Dirty Wars End?

When Will the Dirty Wars End?

Jeremy Scahill’s ‘Dirty Wars’ conveys the sinister, unaccountable, and deadly power concentrated in the halls of Washington that now threatens the planet.

Plain Old Murder

Plain Old Murder

The Pakistani government loudly protests that many of the casualties of drone strikes are civilian.

Droning On

The CIA’s drone war in Pakistan is setting precedents that will one day come back to haunt America.

The CIA’s Selective Secrecy

The CIA’s Selective Secrecy

President Obama praised the CIA for its role in killing Osama bin Laden, but we should not be so quick to hail a shadowy agency hell-bent on shielding its actions from public scrutiny.

Has the Rendition Program Disappeared?

Has the Rendition Program Disappeared?

The Obama administration promised to reverse the Bush-era policies on terrorism. But the president has spent most of his time reversing himself.

Crossing the Lexicon

Did Navy SEALs “assassinate,” “murder,” or “kill” Osama bin Laden?