Counting Troops in Iraq

Congress is finally talking withdrawal but no one is talking about how many U.S. troops will remain in Iraq.

Iraq Equals Israel?

By comparing Iraq to Israel, Bush did the cause of Middle East reform little good.

Annotate This: Commander Guy Bush

Is Bush “the” commander guy or just “a” commander guy? It really doesn’t matter much since he’s the commander in chief. He gets to command, unless Congress decides it’s had enough and commands him not to.

Redefining Security: A Budget for a New Generation

As leaders of 34 Western Hemisphere countries gather in Quebec City, Canada in April 2001, President George W. Bush hopes that the third Summit of the Americas will mark a step toward fulfilling his father’s dream of creating a free trade area stretching from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego.

Libya: More Balance Needed

Under Qaddafi’s rule, Libya has made impressive gains in health care, education, housing, women’s rights, and basic social services.

U.S.-Russia Nuclear Reductions

After the attacks of September 11 and the post-attack rash of anthrax mailings, renewed attention is being paid to the risks posed by weapons of mass destruction (WMD) falling into the hands of additional states and nonstate actors.

Multilateral Debt: The Unbearable Burden

For most of the world’s impoverished countries, multilateral debt looms larger than other debts because of the status of IFIs as “preferred creditors” assigned them by the Group of 7 (G-7) industrialized countries.