Seven Billion … And Rising

Seven Billion … And Rising

For humanity to survive and prosper, capitalists must confront the limits of growth-led models, and progressives must confront the problem of population.

Feeding the World

With evermore mouths to feed, how will we be able to coax more food out of our exhausted soil?

Malawi Makes, Africa Takes?

Malawi Makes, Africa Takes?

Malawi has turned around its agricultural sector. Can it overcome political challenges to become a model for Africa?

Bolivia After the Storm

At the end of December, the first popular uprising in the region against a government of the left took place in Bolivia.

China’s Wise Wheat Reserves

The idea of storing surplus grain in good times to guard against famine dates back at least as far as the Old Testament.

A Shifting Orthodoxy on Rice

Filipinos are experimenting with organic growth methods and ditching the debt-trap chemical alternatives.

Crisis as Opportunity

How is the Philippines responding to the “triple crises of vulnerability”: the global economic crisis, the food crisis and the spreading environmental crises of water, forests, fisheries and climate?

Starving Africa’s Future?

Starving Africa’s Future?

President Obama’s latest initiative for Africa, Feed the Future, is likely to end up feeding the corporations eager to make a profit off of African farmers.

Ghosts Threaten to Return to Haiti

Development experts are about to give Haiti the same disastrous prescription for reform. But Haitians could still build a very different post-earthquake society.

Global Perspectives on Genetically Engineered Foods

An upcoming U.S. Supreme Court case will review the Center for Food Safety’s groundbreaking legal victory banning the sale and planting of Monsanto’s genetically engineered (GE) alfalfa. Andrew Kimbrell and Dr. Vandana Shiva will discuss the sucessful campaign that led to India’s recent moratorium on Bt. Brinjal, a genetically engineered breed of eggplant.