The New Military Frontier: Africa

The New Military Frontier: Africa

The battle for African hearts and minds will not be won if it’s clear that it is being waged more for the sake of U.S. strategic interests than African needs.

Africa: Green Revolution or Rainbow Evolution?

Kofi Annan and the Bill Gates want to bring the Green Revolution to Africa. Will this herald a new age for African agriculture or the destruction of the continent’s biodiversity?

IMF Confidence Crisis

The International Monetary Fund is increasingly irrelevant and even its own assessment found major flaws in its track record in the poorest countries.

Slavery Persists

2007 marks the 200th anniversary of the end of the trans-Atlantic slave trade but modern-day forms of slavery are devastating lives throughout much of the African world.

Politics, Humanism and Sen. Johnson

The initial announcement of Senator Tim Johnson’s (D-SD) sudden incapacitation and emergency brain surgery struck political Washington like the proverbial bombshell.

Africa Falls Off the IMF Agenda (Again)

A shuffling of the Fund’s voting shares slashed Africa’s already minimal decision-making power. While unfair, the move is just a symptom of what’s wrong with the IMF.

Still Waiting For Debt Relief

Much more work remains to be done to eliminate unjust debts that stifle countries in the developing world.

Women are Africa’s Political Hope

The African political landscape is being reshaped by women, generating hope for the future of the continent and raising the bar for democracy worldwide.