Wall Street Should Pay a Sales Tax, Too

Wall Street Should Pay a Sales Tax, Too

Americans are used to paying sales taxes on basic goods and services, but when a Wall Street trader buys millions of dollars’ worth of stocks or derivatives, there’s no tax at all.

Kasich is No Moderate on Inequality

Kasich is No Moderate on Inequality

Kasich tries to present himself as the moderate anti-Trump, but his time as governor has been marked by regressive tax reform that helps the rich and hurts the rest.

Burning Issues: Is Our Military Big Enough?

Burning Issues: Is Our Military Big Enough?

IPS defense expert Miriam Pemberton explains that the United States military remains the most powerful on earth by far in this segment of Campaign for America’s Future “Burning Issues” video series.

Hillary vs. Bernie vs. the 1 Percent

Hillary vs. Bernie vs. the 1 Percent

The two Democratic Party White House hopefuls agree on cutting back the after-tax incomes of America’s rich. They disagree significantly on how much.